CSA Flower Subscription

  • Early | Mid | Late Season Share

    Enjoy 4 consecutive weeks of lush fragrant indulgence.

  • Combined Season Share

    Enjoy 8 consecutive weeks of cheery vibrant blooms starting early or mid-season.

  • Full Season Share

    Enjoy 12 consecutive weeks of pure flower love for the whole growing season.

CSA Flower Subscription

Your purchase of our Seasonal flower subscriptions brings prosperity to our community and helps our small, local farm business thrive. “Communities Supporting Agriculture” (CSA) provides small farmers like us with the necessary means to bring our crops to life early in the season through these advance purchases. In return, you’ll receive a share of our harvest by way of a lush, fragrant bouquet of locally grown flowers each week for 4, 8, or 12 consecutive weeks.

You can choose to pick up your seasonal flower subscription at our farm or one of our convenient remote pick-up locations in Kelowna or Peachland.

A seasonal flower subscription makes a great gift for someone. Ask us to provide a gift card for the presentation.

How it works

As a subscriber, you can expect regular email updates from us regarding the start dates of each season and the pick-up hours as the season progresses.

We strive to provide you with bounty of premium flowers each week. However, unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather, insects, or other production factors may occasionally affect our bouquet quality. In such cases, despite our best efforts, we may need to reschedule a week for you to ensure the highest bouquet standards are met.

If you prefer a DIY bucket instead of an arranged bouquet or if you'd like to personally pick your own flowers for the week, please contact us, and we'll accommodate your request.

Weekly subscriptions can be picked-up at our farm or remote locations in Kelowna or Peachland. Pick-up days and times are determined at the beginning of the season, and unfortunately, we cannot reschedule them due to flowering demands. If you are unable to pick up your flowers on any of your designated pick-up days, please email us to notify us of the person who will pick them up on your behalf.

If you forget to pick up your subscription, we are happy to assist you the first time. We can do this by doubling your bouquet the following week or adding an extra week to your subscription. However, any unclaimed subscription bouquets, including future ones, will be donated at the discretion of the Dirty Bee Flower Farm.

We prioritize our flowers' care and longevity to ensure the highest quality for our customers. A freshly picked bouquet comprises various flower varieties that, with proper care, can last from 4 to 7 days. If you encounter any issues with your flowers within 24-hours of receiving them, please contact us with a photo so that we can promptly address the problem. We are happy to replace them at no charge in the first instance. If repeated issues occur or you consistently experience below-average vase life, we will investigate the care and handling of the blooms to ensure you receive the expected quality from your flowers.

For detailed instructions on fresh-cut flower care, please refer to our Flower Care guidelines. For the CSA Terms and Conditions, please refer to the Terms and Conditions page. Flowers are living organisms, and with proper care, they will gracefully age, just as we all want!

Flower care

Information to help you care for and handle your fresh flowers before and after you create your arrangement.